My Norwegian family actually has deep Danish roots. Hans Meyer was a locksmith in Nykøbing Falster. He and his wife Marie Hermandsdatter had three children:
1) Alhed Hansdatter Meyer 2) Hermand Hansen Meyer 3) Øldrik Hansen Meyer
Information about my ancestors can be found in official records. In 1693 Hans Meyer received a loan from another citizen in Nykøbing. The deal was inscribed in - Nykøbing Falster book of deeds 1691 - 1716:
On January 22, 1694, Hans Meyer locksmith, citizen in Nykøbing, declares that he owes 40 rigsdaler, each daler worth 64 skilling, to Jens Nielsen Gedstrup, merchant and citizen in Nykøbing who has given him a loan at 6 % per year. Hans Meyer mortgaged his house on Frusegade, which he had bought January 8, 1690 from the deceased bailiff, Hans Jensen Steenholdt. If the house should by accident catch fire, Hans Meyer and his heirs shall indemnify Jens Nielsen Gedstrup
Alhed Hansdatter Meyer married Hans Henriksen Bølling. He became a citizen of Nykøbing Falster on March 2, 1697. He was born in Hamburg around 1661
In 1708, there is a reference to Hans:
I, Hans Hendrick Bøeling, the undersigned, citizen and locksmith here in Nykøbing, do hereby declare and make public, that I owe to Niels Jensen, citizen and dyer, 100 Sletdaler, which he has given me as a loan against interests, so that I can pay for the house in which I live. It had been mortgaged to Anna, Laurits Lundt's widow. I: hereby mortgage my house on Store Kirkestræde with all that belongs to it, an iron stove in the sitting room, the yard and a little garden as well as some land with value of 6 skilling here in Nykøbing's fields. If one of us wants to cancel the agreement he shall be free to do so with a quarter of a year advance notice. To confirm this obligation, I have signed it with my own hand and pressed my signet to it, and I have announced it publicly and signed it.
Hans and Alhed had a daughter named Elsabeth.
On January 26, 1716, Oluf Simonsen Lund, locksmith, and Elsabeth Hans Hendrichsdatter Bølling were engaged. They were married on Friday September 18, 1716.
An artisan normally began his education at the age of 14. After completing a four or five-year apprenticeship, he became a journeyman. He was then supposed to travel for a few years, in Denmark as well as abroad, typically in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Next he would find a job in a small Danish town, settle down and get married. In order to get married, he normally had to be an independent master of his trade, and that could be difficult. The trades were organized in small unions to regulate the trade in every aspect, and normally the masters of a specific trade would restrict the number of masters within the trade to limit competition. Oluf Simonsen Lund probably came from another town. When he arrived in Nykøbing Falster he was employed by the master locksmith Hans Hendrich, who later became his father in law. A young journeyman often continued his professional career in this manner.
In 1715, Hans Henrich's wife, Alhed Hansdatter Mejer, died at the age of 49. The probate record gives a few hints of Oluf Lund's history:
We the undersigned, Jes Taysen Tilsen, mayor of Nykøbing Falster; Hans Holst and Mads Jensen Colling, aldermen; Christen Steensen, town judge; and Jacob Dannefer, town scribe; declare that December 3, 1715, we gathered in Mr. Hans Hendrich Bølling's house on Store Kirke Stræde to set up a legal and correct inventory list for his deceased wife, Alhed Hansdatter Mejer and to arrange a probate dealing between the widower and their daughter, Elsebeth Hansdatter Bølling, 21 years old. Mr. Olle Johansen Holm, citizen and pewterer, appeared on her behalf.
The house, which the widower now owns, is situated on the northern side of Store Kirke Stræde, East of Olle Holm's and West of Jens Hansen Kiøge shoemaker's house, with an oven of iron ..
The rooms and inventory in the house are described. Masters of trade always had many debts, so it often took months to call in claims to an estate and to find out what other people owed to the estate. In April the next year the probate dealing goes on:
On April 23, 1716, the dealing master and the above mentioned witnesses were again gathered in the home of the deceased to finish the dealing. Elsebeth Hansdatter Bølling, with the consent of her father had been engaged to the honest young man and bachelor Olluf Simonsen Lund, locksmith journeyman; therefore, Oluf Simonsen Lund was present on behalf of his fiancée
The widower and his daughter will share 101 rigsdaler and 2 mark. The widower's share is half (50 rigsdaler and 3 mark) and the daughter's is the same. Concerning the daughter's share, the fiancé of the daughter, has accepted that he and his father in law will unite in agreement as to the inheritance.
This means in fact, that Elsebeth received nothing; her father retained undivided possession of the estate for the time being. Oluf Simonsen Lund would take over the house, the inventory and the customers when Hans Hendrich died.
Hans Henric Bølling died at the age of 59. He was buried in the churchyard in a coffin of oak on Tuesday September 10. 1720.
Oluf and his wife had the following children:
1. Alhed, born November 14, 1717 2. Simon Olufsen Lund, born 1719. 3. Hans Henric, born August 24, 1721 4. Johanna, born August 29, 1723
Oluf Lund died in 1729. He was buried March 3.
With many so children the widow was interested in getting married again, the sooner the better:
Elsabeth was engaged to Alexander Magnus Bejer on November 10, 1730. They were married on February 16, 1731.